Obtaining a Personal Loan to meet your financial needs provided by lending institutions. However, lenders require assurance that the loan will be repaid on time. To evaluate a borrower's reliability, several measures are in place. One such measure is the Credit Score, which helps lenders decide on loan approval and interest rates.
Do you want to qualify for a Personal Loan with lower interest rates? Maintaining a higher score can significantly improve your financial prospects. Lenders, including Hero FinCorp, often prefer applicants with a good credit score.
Credit bureaus calculate your credit score based on your past credit behaviour, including repayment history, outstanding balances, credit mix, length of credit history, and new credit applications.
How you can improve your credit score depends on your credit profile. Here are some strategies for achieving and maintaining a 700 credit score:
Repayment history is a crucial factor affecting the credit score. Making timely payments each month can help you achieve a 700 credit score. Missed payments appear on your credit report and delay the process to achieve the goal.
Credit Utilisation Rate or CUR is another factor affecting the credit score. You must try to keep it as low as possible. Find various ways to reduce credit card debt and use the one that works best for your situation.
Applying for a new loan largely affects your credit score. You must evaluate your finances before seeking a new loan. Each loan application pulls a hard enquiry on your credit report. It reduces your credit score by a few points.
Your credit report might contain incorrect information, inaccuracies, or signs of fraud. Request and review your credit report frequently. If you spot a wrong entry, bring it to the credit bureau's notice. They will investigate and resolve the entry. If your claim is correct, it will instantly boost your credit score.
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Even if you don't use them, keeping old credit cards lifts your credit score. If possible, try using them occasionally to avoid closure due to inactivity. Old cards add to the length of your credit history. Moreover, you get their credit limit that controls your CUR. However, close or downgrade them to a basic card if they demand a high annual fee.
A good mix of different loan and credit card types helps achieve a credit score above 700. Borrow secured and unsecured loans to demonstrate that you can handle both efficiently. Choose loans with both short and long terms and repay their EMIs on time. Borrow money for different purposes to diversify your credit portfolio however it should be necessary and manageable.
Building a credit score takes several years. It fluctuates as you borrow funds for various reasons, pay your EMIs, use credit cards, and pay your bills. Avoid focusing on immediate changes. Build long-term strategies to build good credit habits.
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Building a 700 credit score does not happen overnight. It requires consistency with your credit habits. Monitor your credit score to see the impact of your efforts. Accordingly, you can review your plan and address issues arising during the progress.
Achieving a 700+ credit score opens doors to favourable loan terms and financial opportunities. It reflects responsible credit behaviour and assures lenders of timely repayments. By understanding key factors like payment history, credit utilisation, and diversifying credit, you can work toward improving your score. Implement these actionable strategies to boost your credit score and unlock better financial prospects.
Improving your credit score to 700 depends on factors like current credit habits, debt levels, and payment history. It typically takes several months to a year with consistent efforts.
Raising a credit score from 500 to 700 may take a few months to more than a year. Timely payments, reducing debt, and limiting new credit applications can expedite this process.
Yes, achieving a credit score of 700 or higher is possible with disciplined financial habits, including timely payments, low credit utilisation, and managing credit responsibly.
Yes, you can speed up the process by paying down outstanding balances, disputing inaccuracies on your credit report, and avoiding new credit inquiries.