Can You Get a Personal Loan with A Low Credit Score

The loan is a necessity that an individual requires without having any complicated terms and conditions. Not every borrower is aware of what is a credit score. It rings like an alarm when you are informed that the credit score is low and the loan is rejected. When you have a low credit score, loan approval becomes difficult as financers are not sure about your ability to repay the loan. However, there are some lenders who approve of personal loan even with a low credit score, only by charging a higher rate of interest.

On the other hand, maintaining a good credit score reflects that you have been consistent in paying off the EMIs timely. A good credit score is an advantage for loan seekers wherein they can also negotiate to hold a high score.

Research thoroughly on the lender’s credibility before applying for aloan with a low credit score. Don’t fall prey to fraudsters who cheat, capture your data and never disburse the loan. Some scammers may lure with attractive terms and conditions, but they will end up disappointing you with no loan in hand. Hence, stay updated about loan-related aspects such as credit score, interest rate, eligibility criteria etc. before applying for a loan.
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What can you do to improve your credit score?

If there is no urgency in taking a loan, step back and work on improving your credit score. It will not let you face repeated rejections while applying for a loan. Improve your credit score with:
  • Clearing outstanding bills and balance amounts. Paying-off only the minimum due keeps piling up the amount that is never paid in the next month.
-Cease your credit card expenditures till you have cleared your bill in full.

- Avoid using multiple credit cards. Use cards of the same bank as you will have an advantage of transferring the credit limit to one card.

- Repeatedly applying for loans and getting rejected also affects the credit score negatively. Give some gap between loan applications to sustain a good credit score.

A low or high credit scoreis maintained and scrutinised by the credit information agencies. The credit agenciesare engaged in maintaining and analysing the records of credit-related activities for corporates as well as individuals. As per guidelines, a month’s negligence in personal loan payment can reduce your credit score by lot ofcredit points.

Work on a good credit score to ensure your loan application always gets approved in no time.

Download Hero FinCorp instant personal loan app introduced by a recognized financial firm in India, HeroFinCorp! Avail instant loan ranging from 50,000 to 1,50,000 and improve your low credit score. The app is easy to use and approves loan with paperless documentation.
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Written by  Manya Ghosh

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Manya is a seasoned finance professional with expertise in the non-banking financial sector, offering 3 years of experience. She excels in breaking down complex financial topics, making them accessible to readers. In their free time, she enjoys playing golf.


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