Common Finance Mistakes That May Lead You to Financial Crisis and How To Avoid These


The past few decades saw a steady increase in people spending and investing. Many have been handling their personal finances right but many went wrong as well. While money management remains an issue of the past and the present, let us discuss the common personal finance mistakes people usually make.

Common Personal Finance Mistakes

  1. Spending More Than Earning

Living large is the worst thing most people do in their twenties as soon as they start earning. Buying expensive clothes, dining out in fancy restaurants, and driving classy cars might sound like a dream come true for them. This is mainly because in their twenties they do not have any major obligations on them. If you think spending less than what you earn is not a great idea, then you are more likely to financial crisis.

  1. Not Saving Enough

Once your expenses are more than what you really make, you would not be able to save enough. And when there is hardly anything saved, you cannot make an emergency fund. In the event of an unexpected emergency such as hospitalization of someone, job loss, etc., you will not have any funds to cover the bills. This can lead to borrowing of money from others, leading you to a debt that might take years to repay. Even if there is not an emergency, this can affect your long-term dreams and goals. Your kid' education and your early retirement can be affected or your dream vacation might remain a dream.

  1. Living for Today and Not Thinking About the Future

There are some who might have enough money in their account but do not want to make any plans to get ahead in their lives. They are happy with what they have and do not want to make any changes in their lives. They live for the present and do not look past their monthly earnings. As the years go by, they end up facing career stagnation and not having enough finances to meet their future needs.

  1. Not Monitoring Expenses

Being busy is an excuse most people give for not being able to track their expenses. This leads to spending more than they earn. They never check their account balances and are happy with the minimum payment for their credit cards. This temporary running away from important financial commitments can lead you to a bigger financial disaster in the future.

The Financial Takeaways

  • Make a Budget

If you are not used to making financial budgets, start making one now. Begin by analysing how much you earn and how much your monthly expenses would be. Once you set aside the required money for all your expenses, reserve some amount for a few little luxuries each month such as eating out, shopping, etc. Ensure not to spend more than what you have reserved for the extra expenses.

  • Track Your Finances

If you have been spending frivolously, it is high time you start tracking your expenses and finances. Figure out how much money you have in your account and how much you really need to spend. As said in the previous step, make a budget and plan, so you know where all your money is going. When there is a budget set, there will be a limit on spending.

  • Control Your Expenses

Know how much you really earn and how much you can afford before thinking of spending on that dine out at the fancy restaurant or buying something that you really do not want to own. Do not end up buying things just because your friends have them. Use your money wisely and do not spend more than what you earn. Buy only those that you really require. Rethink having those expensive app memberships that you have subscribed to or the membership of that fitness club which you haven't utilised in a long time. Analyse what you can do away with and find cheaper alternatives for those.

  • Chart Out a Savings or Investment Plan

Investment in any amounts can be of help in the future. And start it as early as possible. Even saving just a few hundred by the end of every month can harvest big gains in the longer run. Consider easier investments like savings deposits for your account. This makes sure; a certain amount of money will be automatically transferred to your savings deposit before you even know it. If you want to try big term investments, look for some good retirement plans or approach a financial advisor to give you the right advice.

Before you are blindsided by thoughtless spending habits, understand that the way you spend now will have a major impact on your future. A thoughtful approach towards spending, saving, and investing can help steer you away from the possible dangers of spending money prodigally.

Written by  Manya Ghosh

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Manya is a seasoned finance professional with expertise in the non-banking financial sector, offering 3 years of experience. She excels in breaking down complex financial topics, making them accessible to readers. In their free time, she enjoys playing golf.


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