The answer is entirely dependent on your personal circumstances and financial situation. However, the following pointers can guide you in deciding whether to avail the travel now, pay later schemes.
Applying for this loan is ideal if you qualify for a zero percent APR offer. The lender or your travel partner will provide you with such an offer if you have a strong credit profile. For example, if you are regular on your credit card payments and have never skipped any previous loan EMIs, you may easily qualify for such a lucrative offer.
There may be times when you need to travel immediately. Some of these situations include a relative's funeral, a medical emergency, and so on. Assume you have been diagnosed with a disease that necessitates treatment in another country. Would you prefer depleting your emergency funds for paying for your flight bookings and lodging or would you prefer paying it for your treatment? Using a travel now, pay later scheme would be the better option in this case.
No financial product is free. You must pay some amount, either in the form of interest or transaction fees, to obtain the benefits. The same is true for pay now, travel later financing. If you have backup funds, then you can easily pay off the loan on time without incurring any penalty or interest.
There are numerous financing options available to assist you in planning your vacation. The two most common ones are listed below.
Personal loan are the best alternative to travel now, pay later financing. When you apply for this loan, the lender digs into various things. They look at your credit score, business finances, employer credibility, monthly income, and other factors to determine your repayment capacity. If everything is found to be satisfactory, you could receive up to Rs 5 lakh loan easily without any collateral.
When it comes to travelling, credit cards are one of the most used loan products. When you apply for this loan, the lender does not charge you any interest rate right away and gives you a deadline by which you can repay the loan without paying any additional amount.
Also Read: Personal Loan or Credit Card Which one would you go for
Travel now, pay later options have made travel and leisure activities more accessible for people on a limited budget. However, it is important that you do not overindulge in luxury on trips financed through this option. In addition, you must carefully read and understand the terms and conditions for these loans and enquire about any hidden charges. Also assess your current finances because any delay in EMI payment can result in a higher interest and negatively affect your credit score.