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Green Ideas for Your Business


    We are living in a world where stories of depleting rainforests, disappearing greens, floods, and droughts are everyday stories that are read and forgotten- until they start affecting our lives directly. The stresses of our daily lives, keeping our jobs, managing expectations, leaves us no or little room for things like climate change or greenhouse gasses. Our attitude and approach are highly tactical instead of being strategic.

    What we need as a species, is a conscious effort towards improving our environment and taking all possible steps whether at home, office or the community level. Starting at one's work place is a great idea, as it helps save costs, and spreads the message among a wider audience.

    A green workplace, is a work environment that promotes and implements environmentally sustainable practices. There are many reasons for a business to go green. It is not only good for the environment but also your own finances in the long run. In fact, as per some research articles, many young professionals value working for a caring and responsible employer over earning a high salary.

    Globally as well, companies that intend to give back and contribute to the society are in focus. Environmental-friendliness as a part of the company's core value is a much sought-after quality. It plays a huge role in shaping the company's brand image and reputation.

    Advantages of going green

    1. Reduced Carbon footprint

    Carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment as a result of your activities. Carbon footprint has a direct connection to the increase in greenhouse gases and changes in the earth's climate resulting in global warming. As an organization, it is important to evaluate your carbon consumption. You may need some expert help to accurately determine your carbon footprint. However, something as simple as unplugging from work and introducing flexible work options can bring about a change without straining your financial resources.

    1. Preserves natural resources

    Water is one of the top natural resources that requires our urgent attention for conservation. Taking the right stance of using eco-friendly products to dispense water for drinking and using recycled wastewater to flush toilets can save hundreds of litres of water every day. It is a small step that your employees will appreciate too.

    1. Saves time

    Going green has many advantages when it comes to saving time. One of the options you can offer your employees is that of flexible work hours, working from co-working spaces or even working from home. Each of these activities has a cascading effect on saving time. It allows employees to stay away from peak hour traffic and instead use their time more productively.

    1. Reduces cost

    Many businesses worry the added cost that eco-friendliness will bring with it. Some activities do involve a one-time investment but most of the other activities work to bring down costs. Providing options for telecommuting, improving the heating/ cooling systems reduces dependence on appliances, adding indoor plants and unplugging devices when not in use are quick ways that can help with your conservation efforts.

    1. Builds positive aura

    Your sustainability and conservation efforts show that you'care'as an employer on creating a positive impact on the world. It shows you are willing to walk the talk and want to work with like-minded individuals- both employees and partners- who share your vision. Your efforts, in turn, can inspire your employees to be better citizens at work and home.

    1. Improves long-term sustainability

    Your actions towards sustainability, eco-friendliness, and conservation will have long term benefits. It will help attract great talent and responsive partners who will view you in a more positive light. Saving natural resources today, mean that we will leave behind a higher amount for future generations.


    How to go Green today

    1. Use the cloud

    Cloud computing focuses on moving all activities to the internet and managing things through remote servers, virtually. It reduces the purchase of hardware and each company has its own data centre. In addition to this, choosing a 'green data centre' adds to the advantage when going green. A green data centre is designed keeping the environment in mind. It uses less energy and space. These energy sources also typically include various forms of renewable energy.

    1. Reduce paper waste

    There is a joke that says that humans are the only species that cut trees, mash them to a pulp, make paper, and then write 'Save trees' on them. We can save a lot of paper by using emails and cloud storage, thereby saving trees as well.

    1. Travel via teleconference

    Do you have to send your employee hundreds of miles away overseas on a business trip or will a video conferencing resolve the issue? Can your employees be more productive when they work from home three days a week or do you need them to be in office every day from 9 to 5? There are start-ups out there that are using 3D Hologram meetings which allows holograms to be projected into the same room and give a feel of a real face to face meeting. What used to be science fiction, is the reality of today. Have a look

    1. Green architecture

    If you have an option of redoing your office architecture, then you should use this to start your green journey. From having windows that shield or allow sunlight as per the heating or cooling requirement to using aerated concrete in the building, planting plenty of plants to purify the air, green can be everywhere around you. It comes from providing ergonomic chairs that have been made using sustainable materials, and using energy sources that are renewable along with efficient appliances.

    1. Recycle beyond the bin

    Recycling isn't limited to paper. It goes for everything in office. Food waste can be recycled for compost. Plastic and electronic waste can be eliminated safely so that they don't end up in landfills. You can even ask employees to donate their clothes which can be recycled to make a number of things like rugs and carpets.

    1. Be vigilant

    Going green isn't a one-time activity. It requires your contribution and attention every day. You'll have to constantly be on the lookout to optimize all your processes to bring in sustainability, not as a choice but as a habit. For example, you can share saplings instead of bouquets during special occasions in your company. You can ask employees to carpool to work when possible. And you'll have to take the extra effort to switch off the lights when not in use.

    1. Work with like-minded companies

    Going green comes with many advantages. You get priority as a partner for companies who want to work with someone who believes in sustainable practices. It also puts you in a seat of advantage when you want to choose business partners. The thought will collective make other companies join the green brigade as well.

    1. Incentivize employees to go green

    A fail-safe way to go green is by incentivizing employees for their green practices. Making people in charge of their actions and rewarding them for it encourages a spirit of competition and allows everyone to constantly improve their efforts in going green.

    Running a business demands your attention all the time. Something, like implementing best practices for sustainability and going green, may fall through the cracks unless it becomes an integral part of your company goals, and becomes a part of every decision you make for the company.

    Make it a part of your mission statement and put it out there for the world to see. That's a great first step- to hold yourself accountable to your actions. The rest will follow.