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Top 5 financial resolutions for the New Year 2022

The New Year brings enthusiasm, positivity, and new opportunities in our lives, isn’t it? Although many things are carried forward from the past year, there is a sense of new zest and zeal that engulfs us as we step forward in the New Year. January being the first month, everyone thinks of some resolutions to accomplish in the New Year. So, this year 2022, give financial resolutions to the topmost priority to stay financially sound in case the third Covid variant appears and lockdown scenario triggers financial scarcity again.

Setting a financial resolution can keep some savings intact for emergency situations.

Hence, start 2022 with the top 5 financial resolutions and stay financially fit all year round:

  1. Make the most of credit/debit cards

    We all are aware of credit cards piling up heavy interest rates over a period of time. However, also explore the benefits that these cards offer as cash-backs offers, rewards points, birthday discounts, zero down payments, EMI facility, gift vouchers, etc. If you set a discipline to use credit/debit cards, maximizing financial benefits will be easy in 2022.
  1. Enrol for health insurance

    Even though you have ample savings to cope up with the anticipated Covid wave in 2022, do consider health insurance for medical emergencies. Paying premiums may be a cost today but a profitable deal to support prolonged medical expenses. Definitely strike a good deal with a credible health insurance company and secure your future.
  1. Start saving for gloomy days

    Life is unpredictable. Just as seasons change, there are both bright and gloomy days throughout the year. Start an emergency fund in your bank or have a personal saving box at home for monthly savings to support gloomy days when gathering surplus funds is not easy.
  1. Keep a tap on your credit score

    Keeping a stable credit score always helps in quick loan approval. If you are a frequent borrower, ensure the EMIs are repaid on time so that the credit score is not affected negatively.
  1. Clear debts

    There may be a few pending accounts of last year to be cleared. Take it on the priority list to clear pending finances, if any. This will clear the liability as you begin your new year planning new financial goals. Seeking a debt consolidation personal loan is also a good idea to clear pending debts at once and go debt-free in the New Year.

Financial resolutions may sound like a traditional formula for gathering funds. However, it is a practical solution that will indeed help you plan the finances in 2022. When you are unable to control your financial situations, planned finances like savings, fixed deposits, and gold investments help to take charge of emergency situations that demand bulk money at once.

Include an instant personal loan in your financial resolution for 2022. When you need emergency cash, download an instant loan app available on Google Play Store. Initiate the loan application process and arrange immediate finance on the same day. Minimal eligibility criteria and paperless documentation encourage borrowers to rely on instant personal loans for instant financial support in the New Year 2022 and beyond.