Maximum Education Loan
The maximum education loan amount sanctioned depends upon lender to lender. Depending upon the course fees, the maximum loan amount can be requested. There is no cap onto it.
Quality education is necessary to boost your career prospects and improve your standard of living. However, enrolling in your desired course may be expensive. That is when an Education Loan comes to the rescue. At Hero FinCorp, you can borrow a Personal Loan for education to cover your education-related expenses. The best thing is that it is easy to obtain without collateral, and the interest rates are competitive, starting at 19% per annum.
When borrowing an education loan online, you may opt for a repayment tenure of 12 to 36 months to keep the EMIs affordable and easily manageable. Apply at Hero FinCorp to achieve your educational goals and improve your employability.
An education loan at Hero FinCorp is highly convenient to avail. This is because the instant personal loan facility is flexible enough to be used as an education loan and support academic needs at the same time.
Several financial organizations and banks have launched schemes for availing of easy education loans in India. Usually, the concessions laid down for education loans are affordable and attractive. Education loans for female students who aim to pursue higher education abroad or in India are very reasonable at a low interest rate. Moreover, the interest rate for education will remain fixed for the entire tenure.
With the development of instant loan apps and websites, the loan EMI calculator is one important feature that equates the monthly instalment considering the principal loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. Accordingly, you can decide whether to proceed or not with an education loan.
The interest rate on education loans may differ if compared with public and private financial services. The rate of interest and concessions are levied as per the RBI rules. Public financial organizations have a low rate of interest on education loans as compared to private banks and financial services. Most importantly, the interest rate remains the same and does not fluctuate in an education loan.
*Documents/details are not required to avail loans with Hero FinCorp Instant Personal Loan.
Salaried and self-employed individuals starting from 21 years of age can apply for a personal loan at Hero FinCorp Instant Personal Loan specifically for education.
Don’t let the financial crunch keep you deprived of graduation and higher studies. Personal loan for education is easy to avail nowadays with minimal documentation. Hero FinCorp an instant education loan facility to fulfil your aspiration of getting a higher degree. Follow the below to quick start the education loan application process:
Download Hero FinCorp Instant Personal Loan on Android
Register with your email id and mobile number
Enter area pin code for clarity on location details
Add KYC details plus other mentioned documents and get a real-time credit assessment
Get a loan approved and disbursed instantly during business hours